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The objective of AMULET (Advanced control unit for leading edge morphing management) is the development of a power management unit with intelligent control capabilities aimed at the controlled deformation of a functional prototype of a wing with a morphing leading edge. This concept is very novel and aims to replace the current rigid deployable surfaces (flaps, slats, etc.) for wing shape optimization, by wings that adapt their morphology to different flight conditions.

The AMULET system is composed of a control board capable of handling up to 4 power plates, each one in charge of an actuator.

AMULET contributes to strengthening Europe's leadership in its fight against climate change, fully in line with the objectives of CLEAN-SKY 2. New morphing technologies can open the door to high-performance, environmentally sustainable and more economical aerospace operation by taking advantage of the weight reduction that new design philosophies bring without compromising stringent aerospace safety requirements. These technologies are also making it possible to contribute to or even enhance safe aerospace operation through more efficiently integrated and affordable sensing/actuation technologies.

In accordance with the dissemination policy to encourage accessible and open scientific research, full information on this project is available from the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS).



In Skylife Engineering we offer the best solutions adapting our products to the needs of each company or entity.

Amulet belongs to the Embedded Systems business line and is part of the parts we have in production on demand.

This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 785332.


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    Skylife Engineering S. L. is an Andalusian company that develops technological innovation with a high specialization in aerospace engineering applied to the aviation industry and other sectors, with the aim of offering solutions with a positive impact on society.

    Calle Américo Vespucio, 5 Bloque 1 Local A 8-12
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