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Research for AI-based Asset Monitoring and Sustainable WIP Management

The IMAGINA project seeks to optimise the processes of the auxiliary aeronautical industry through the efficient use of production management by integrating artificial intelligence systems and the interior positioning of materials and assets. 

This project has been subsidised by the CDTI with file number PTAP-20231004 through the call for 2023 of the procedure for granting aid for Strategic Sectorial Business Innovation Initiatives (‘Aeronautical Technology Programme’), within the framework of the Recovery Plan, Transformation and Resilience Plan (financed by Next Generation EU funds, including the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism) and the State Programme for Catalysing Innovation and Business Leadership of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023.

Website project: Imagina Project


The auxiliary industry dedicated to manufacturing, whether of metallic or composite components, has the same common limitation, i.e. from inefficient management at very short notice, where production planners have hardly any margin for action, or in the inexperience of personnel when it comes to conjugating complex assembly operations of assemblies, either due to errors when selecting the elements that make up these assemblies, due to failures in identification, or directly applied to the assemblies themselves.

The aim of this project is to propose a software platform, IMAGINA, which assists, by means of recommendations, in making critical decisions that affect Work in Progress (WIP). To this end, this project proposes two characteristic use cases, where the aim is to demonstrate the capabilities of the platform by conceptually resolving the two needs described above, measuring this capability through specific indicators or KPIs. 

The Project

The general objectives of the project are: 

  • Real-time monitoring of the position of the assets inherent in aeronautical manufacturing processes.
  • Optimisation of Work in Progress (WIP) and internal logistics in aeronautical component manufacturing processes.
  • Increasing environmental sustainability in the manufacturing processes of metallic products through the reduction of the carbon footprint and the efficient management of materials.

The specific objectives are: 

  • The deployment of a distributed production management platform based on IIoT concepts.
  • The conception of a robust indoor localisation system with minimum signal shielding.
  • The generation of a production planning decision support system based on artificial intelligence.
  • The monitoring of auxiliary materials for the implementation of efficient management.
  • The design and development of a model of the processes carried out within production SMEs.

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    Research for AI-based Asset Monitoring and Sustainable WIP Management
    • Sector:
    • Call for proposals:
      Aeronautical Technology Programme (PTA)
    • Funding:
      Funded by CDTI
    • Consortium:
      Skylife Engineering (Coordinator), Mecanizados y montajes (M&M), HI-Iberia, Inespasa
    • Status:
      In progress

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    Skylife Engineering S. L. is an Andalusian company that develops technological innovation with a high specialization in aerospace engineering applied to the aviation industry and other sectors, with the aim of offering solutions with a positive impact on society.

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    41092 Sevilla (España)

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