Skylife Engineering's activity in the MIRFLEX Project is focused on the study of the applicability of advanced vision, virtual reality and augmented reality technologies for the manufacturing of the electrical product. This work includes the use of electrical wiring diagnostic tools through simulation, taking advantage of the use of corporate databases.
Through the establishment of a demonstrator, the aim is to verify the feasibility of using virtual reality and augmented reality devices as a system for the exploitation of electrical data of the so-called digital twin (work order, information related to tests, standards and other information that may be relevant for the operator), as well as the use of simulation and obtaining reflectometry patterns that allow identifying connection problems in the aircraft wiring.
The MIRFLEX Project, or "New support systems for workshop operators, support for manufacturing engineering and training in industrial processes with real-time exploitation of PLM system information", is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with funds from Spain's Pluri-regional Operational Program (POPE), through the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI).
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