The Project
Skylife S.L. has participated in the ‘Activa Startups’ initiative, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. This is an initiative of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism (MINCOTUR) and the EOI Foundation, F.S.P. The purpose of this support is to promote innovation and growth of new generation companies, through the development of collaborative environments.

Otros Proyectos
REDIA Spirit
Remote, digital assistant and training system -
Pyme Global
Activa Startups
ICEX-next Export Initiation Programme
Integral Digital Assistant for Productive Processes -
Cybersecure SMEs
Support to promote safe and reliable use of cyberspace -
PTA Power
Electrical Power System Technologies for Aviation Decarbonisation -
adVanced mEthod foR poSitioning And Tracking In metaLlic Environments -
Research for AI-based Asset Monitoring and Sustainable WIP Management