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The ACE project involves designing, developing and validating an electromechanical micro-actuator that is part of the landing gear locking system of a civil aircraft, replacing conventional hydraulic systems.

ACE is an R&D&I project, which is carried out together with companies from the Aeronautical and Aerospace sector, such as Aerotecnic, Catec (Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies) and the coordination of CESA, through the co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, within the framework of the State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to Social Challenges.

In Skylife Engineering we offer the best solutions adapting our products to the needs of each company or entity.

ACE belongs to the Embedded Systems business line and is one of the parts that we have in production upon request.


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    Skylife Engineering S. L. is an Andalusian company that develops technological innovation with a high specialization in aerospace engineering applied to the aviation industry and other sectors, with the aim of offering solutions with a positive impact on society.

    Calle Américo Vespucio, 5 Bloque 1 Local A 8-12
    41092 Sevilla (España)

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