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  • Subtítulo Caso de Éxito: Tecnologías de Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia para la Descarbonización de la aviación
  • Estado: En desarrollo
  • Convocatoria: Convocatoria para el año 2023 del procedimiento de concesión de ayudas destinadas al “Programa Tecnológico Aeronáutico” del Programa Estatal para Catalizar la Innovación y el Liderazgo Empresarial del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.
  • Financiación: Este proyecto ha sido subvencionado por el CDTI, con el apoyo del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, con número de expediente 00160225 / PTAG-20231007
  • Consorcio: Airbus (Coordinador), Aertec, Lancor, Obeki Innove, Skylife Engineering
  • Sector: Aeronáutica
  • Proyecto:

    La empresa SKYLIFE ENGINEERING, S.L. participa en el desarrollo del proyecto POWER - TECNOLOGÍAS DE SISTEMAS ELÉCTRICOS DE POTENCIA PARA LA DESCARBONIZACIÓN DE LA AVIACIÓN, cuyo objetivo es investigar las tecnologías habilitadoras necesarias para el desarrollo de un sistema de propulsión eléctrico para aeronaves sostenibles. Además de contribuir en el proceso de descarbonización de la aviación, POWER pretende cubrir:

    1. Implicaciones funcionales y de seguridad de los contactores HV (alto voltaje) de última generación
    2. Conceptos de conversión y distribución de alta tensión de alta eficiencia
    3. Máquinas eléctricas de alta eficiencia y densidad de potencia
    4. Integración inteligente, arquitectura y topología de motores eléctricos y MCU modulares (Unidad de control de motores) para reducir el peso total.
  • Intro servicio:

    Proyecto de I+D cuyo objetivo es investigar las tecnologías habilitadoras necesarias para el desarrollo de un sistema de propulsión eléctrico para aeronaves sostenibles.

Proyecto de I+D cuyo objetivo es investigar las tecnologías habilitadoras necesarias para el desarrollo de un sistema de propulsión eléctrico para aeronaves sostenibles.


  • Subtítulo Caso de Éxito: adVanced mEthod foR poSitioning And Tracking In metaLlic Environments
  • Estado: En desarrollo
  • Convocatoria: Programa para Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad
  • Financiación: Corporación tecnológica de Andalucía CTA. Junta de Andalucía. Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
  • Consorcio: Skylife Engineering, SilemeLife, Fundación de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla (Subcontratada)
  • Proyecto:

    El objetivo general del proyecto es, en primer lugar, la investigación de nuevos algoritmos de posicionamiento y técnicas de guiado para evaluar la capacidad de mejora de la técnica, buscando más allá del estado del arte, en el sistema de posicionamiento indoor SILEME, el cual ha estado siendo desarrollado por SKYLIFE a lo largo de los últimos años. Por otro lado, se busca la conceptualización del gemelo digital del sistema, a través de la generación de los modelos con los que predecir los efectos y el comportamiento de todos los elementos y el entorno, de forma, que un futuro, ya fuera del alcance del actual proyecto, pueda aplicarse una mejora desde el modelo digital, a través de Machine Learning, para ser llevado al modelo físico de la solución.

adVanced mEthod foR poSitioning And Tracking In metaLlic Environments

CAM-SmartTool 4.0

  • Subtítulo Caso de Éxito: Continuing Airworthiness Management Smart Tool
  • Estado: In development
  • Financiación: Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo
  • Consorcio: Smartech Cluster, Innoasturias, Indaer, Innoarea, Skylife
  • Sector: Aeronáutica
  • Reto y Antecedentes:

    Technical inspections on aircraft are vital to guarantee aviation safety. This process, rigorously regulated, helps prevent a significant portion of air accidents. It is proposed to develop an application that integrates Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality to improve airworthiness management and inspections. The app will digitize manual tasks, speeding up inspections and offering immersive experiences. This will benefit leasing companies and air operators, optimizing the management of technical records and improving efficiency in the physical inspection of aircraft. The project seeks to use advanced technologies to automate processes and manage data in real time, in order to increase reliability and efficiency in the aviation industry.

  • Proyecto:

    The project under development seeks to create a cutting-edge tool that will transform the way technical inspections and airworthiness management are carried out. The app will offer automatic report digitization capabilities during physical inspections, manage aircraft technical records using AI to extract crucial information, and enable immersive experiences using AR glasses to check the status of aircraft in real-time.

  • Solución:

    The final objective of the project is to improve the reliability, efficiency and productivity of airworthiness management processes and physical inspections of aircraft, through disruptive 4.0 technologies and process automation. This will benefit leasing companies, air operators and other industry players, contributing to a safer and more efficient future in aviation.

  • Intro servicio:

    An application with AI and Augmented Reality redefines airworthiness management and technical inspections in the aeronautics sector.

casos - infinity mentor, casos - infinity guide, infinity guide


  • Subtítulo Caso de Éxito: Diamond Converter and Arc Fault Detection for High-Altitude Operations
  • Estado: In progress
  • Convocatoria: European Union's H2020 Research and Innovation Program
  • Financiación: Clean Sky 2
  • Consorcio: Skylife Engineering, IRT Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), DiamFab y Universite Grenoble Alpes.
  • Sector: Aeronautics
  • Reto y Antecedentes:
    Skylife Engineering coordinates a European project aimed at researching a new technology based on diamond semiconductors that will address some of the major challenges in aircraft electrification due to technical issues that can arise from high-altitude electric operations.
    Concerns about the effects of climate change also impact the aviation industry. Consequently, there is a growing demand for clean aviation, based on emission-free aircraft. Thus, electric aircraft are becoming increasingly important, with the goal of achieving zero carbon dioxide emissions. The European Commission is working towards this direction through programs like Clean Sky 2, which encompasses this project.
    Advancements in power semiconductor technology in recent years are driving the application of electric propulsion in the industry. It is expected that the amount of energy managed by the electrical system will increase in the next decade. This will shift from a small amount of megawatts for small aircraft to a higher amount of several tens of megawatts for long-distance aircraft. This technology to manage this amount of energy is well-established in the case of typical terrestrial distribution power grids. However, the concepts and components cannot be directly applied to aviation. The challenge in this case is the size/weight required and the fact that it operates at high altitudes. This implies lower air pressure and density.
    The evolution of aircraft electrical power management systems towards higher power is crucial in the coming years. In this context, the DCADE project aims to assess the use of potential technologies that will provide higher-voltage converters while maintaining power density and electric arc detection techniques to enhance safety in the systems.
    DCADE will focus on two technologies: power electronics and power electronic distribution. The project will develop two demonstrators. The first one will be implemented at Skylife Engineering's headquarters in the Cartuja Scientific and Technological Park. The other will take place at IRTSE facilities in Toulouse, France.
  • Proyecto:
    DCADE is funded by the European Union under the Clean Sky 2 program and aims to advance towards cleaner aviation by developing more electric aircraft, ultimately achieving zero emissions.
    The overall goal of DCADE is to evaluate potential technologies and components for electrical systems in aeronautical applications, enabling higher-voltage converters while maintaining power density and arc detection techniques to increase the reliability and safety of high-altitude, high-power, and high-voltage air conditioning distribution systems.
    This project, with funding of almost 1.26 million euros, will implement the use of technologies in the development of high-altitude electrical power distribution systems. It also involves the participation of French entities IRT Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and DiamFab.
    IRT Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is responsible for advancing arc detection in high-voltage power distribution systems for aircraft. In the field of electricity, arc faults refer, in a simplified way, to electrical discharges through air or gas gaps between conductors, which can pose safety risks.
    On the other hand, DiamFab and CNRS are working on developing a diamond-based semiconductor that can be used for electrical power conversion. Semiconductors are devices that contribute to efficient energy management and help transform and control voltages and currents at significant levels in power electronics converters. Researchers estimate that diamond semiconductors may outperform the technology currently used, based on silicon carbide (SiC) or gallium nitride (GaN).
    Skylife, the coordinating company, aims to demonstrate power electronics conversion equipment using diamond semiconductors produced by CNRS and DiamFab. In this regard, Skylife's main mission is to prove that this technology can be used for incorporation into power electronic converters.
  • Solución:
    The main challenges of this project are focused on the application of this technology at high altitudes. In such cases, voltage rise can more easily lead to the appearance of electrical arcs. Forced dissipation is necessary for the proper management of thermal elements, as heat can affect the operation of semiconductors and plays a significant role in power electronics. However, this task is more complicated during flight than on the ground. The idea is to find technological solutions to these two problems.
    The technology of diamond-based transistors for controlling electrical current flow is very innovative and offers technical advantages, such as higher breakdown voltage and lower energy losses compared to traditional semiconductors, which can improve the efficiency of aircraft electrification.
    Currently, with the push for aircraft electrification, the operation of such systems at high altitudes poses a novel challenge. The low air pressure and density at that distance from the ground must be taken into account. At the same time, the unique requirements for safety and reliability must never be overlooked. The DCADE project will develop power electronics and electrical energy distribution technologies for arc detection that will address these challenges while exploring the potential of diamond-based semiconductors.
  • Beneficios:
    The benefits obtained through this solution are significant:
    • Cleaner Aviation: The DCADE project will contribute to the development of more electric aircraft and, ultimately, aviation with zero pollutant emissions, helping address concerns about climate change.
    • Diamond Semiconductor Technology: Research on diamond semiconductors offers technical advantages, such as higher breakdown voltage and lower energy losses compared to traditional semiconductors, which can improve the efficiency of aircraft electrification.
    • High-Altitude Power Distribution: The project seeks to solve technical challenges related to high-altitude electrical power distribution, allowing for better performance of electrical systems in flight.
    • Increased Safety: Research into the detection of electrical arcs in high-voltage distribution systems will enhance the safety of electric aircraft.
  • Por qué Skylife:

    Skylife Engineering stands out in the DCADE project due to its experience, expertise, and commitment to sustainable aviation, its ability to lead innovation, and its track record in strategic collaborations. The company's mission is to achieve high technology with a positive impact, hence its concern for the growing global demand for cleaner and environmentally-friendly aviation.

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  • Intro servicio:

    Diamond Converter and Arc Fault Detection for High-Altitude Operations


  • Subtítulo Caso de Éxito: Metallic Environment Research loCation for the Use in the IndustRY
  • Estado: En desarrollo
  • Convocatoria: Programa para Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad
  • Financiación: Corporación tecnológica de Andalucía CTA. Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía IDEA. Junta de Andalucía. Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
  • Sector: Localización en interiores
  • Intro servicio:

    Metallic Environment Research loCation for the Use in the IndustRY

Se ha recibido un incentivo de la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía IDEA, de la Junta de Andalucía cofinanciado en un 80% por la Unión Europea a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER para la realización del proyecto "Metallic Environment Research loCation for the Use in the IndustRY" con el objetivo de Promover el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y una investigación de calidad.



  • Subtítulo Caso de Éxito: InnOvative PosiTIoning systeM for defence In gnSs-denied arEas
  • Estado: Completed
  • Convocatoria: PADR (Preparatory Action on Defense Research)
  • Financiación: European Defense Agency
  • Consorcio: MBDA, Sener Aerospace, ONERA, SYRLINKS, STARNAV, SYSNAV, University of Žilina, and AICIA
  • Sector: Avionics and Custom Electronics
  • Reto y Antecedentes:

    Since the 1990s, satellite navigation systems like GPS have become integrated into various aspects of our lives. However, reliable alternatives for positioning are crucial when these tools are unavailable. Most advancements in this area have focused on military innovation and defense, ensuring the movement of aircraft, vehicles, and troops in electronic warfare environments.

  • Proyecto:
    With the goal of providing a precise and improved alternative for positioning and navigation without relying on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), Skylife Engineering has coordinated the R&D and innovation project called OPTIMISE. The main objective is research aimed at enhancing positioning, navigation, and timing in areas where GNSS systems are inaccessible, achieved through an innovative architecture that combines data from various signals and sensors.
    The OPTIMISE platform merges different technologies for Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT), seeking a more reliable outcome through their combination. Alongside using modern and effective sensors, a significant portion of the project aims to test a wide range of tools based on emerging technologies for specific situations. These are integrated and fused by central software to provide a more accurate and robust solution.
    Being part of the PADR program, the project's results will support the European Commission, EDA, and member states in preparing the Research Dimension of the European Defense Fund.
    The project is also related to work conducted under EDA's Capability Technology Groups (CapTech Guidance, Navigation and Control, and the Ad Hoc Working Group Space).
  • Solución:
    The proposed architecture consists of various technologies that offer fused and combined PNT solutions for an improved and robust outcome. These technologies comprise different types of sensors, from classical navigation sensors to the latest ones that enhance navigation performance under varying operating conditions. The project will propose a PNT "toolbox," offering a set of emerging technologies along with a core software architecture to integrate them.
    Several workshops with experts were conducted in 2021 to define requirements, constraints, and the state of the art of available technologies and methods. Based on this, scenarios and a roadmap for developing different systems were defined. Prototypes were designed for each technology, and from June 2022 to April 2023, integration and validation tests were conducted on the Žilina Airport in Slovakia, both on the ground and in flight. A reference aircraft trajectory was defined to measure the results.
    This project paves the way for greater integration of PNT technology in Defense Programs on various timescales. The aim is to gain more strategic autonomy in the EU, reduce dependency on GNSS, and address scenarios involving jamming and electronic warfare.
  • Beneficios:
    • Study current and future military scenarios and use cases and select KPIs to evaluate the PNT solution.
    • Review PNT requirements and constraints for aerial platforms.
    • Evaluate key emerging PNT technologies and the optimized combination to pave the way for an enhanced robust and reliable navigation chain.
    • Propose and demonstrate a Data Fusion architecture that's multi-platform and multi-sensor.
    • Provide recommendations for PNT technology roadmaps and paths forward in line with EDA's strategy.
  • Por qué Skylife:

    OPTIMISE is another example of how Skylife actively contributes to innovation and the development of new technologies, particularly in areas such as PNT technology for European Union defense programs. In this project, coordinated by Skylife, participants include MBDA, Sener Aerospace, ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab, SYRLINKS, STARNAV, SYSNAV, the University of Žilina, and AICIA (Andalusian Association for Research and Industrial Cooperation).

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  • Intro servicio:

    InnOvative PosiTIoning systeM for defence In gnSs-denied arEas

Emplea Solar

  • Subtítulo Caso de Éxito: Collaborative Platform for Training Virtualization and Promotion of Job Placement in the Photovoltaic Sector
  • Estado: Finished
  • Convocatoria: Aid to support Innovative Business Groups 2021 (Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan)
  • Financiación: Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of Spain
  • Consorcio: Solartys, Smartech, ISFOC, Skylife Engineering, Infaimon y Logikers
  • Sector: Renewable energy
  • Reto y Antecedentes:
    In recent years, the photovoltaic sector has been experiencing significant growth both nationally and internationally. Forecasts indicate that this trend will continue in the future, positioning the photovoltaic industry as crucial for the necessary energy transition. Based on this growth scenario and the projections made for the sector, with a medium scenario estimating an annual growth of nearly 10% in installed capacity for the coming years, the challenge of providing the sector with new qualified personnel to respond to this phenomenon becomes evident. This positions the sector as one of the drivers of economic recovery.
    The issue related to the lack of qualified personnel is not only an identified challenge for the sector's future but is also already occurring at present and has been highlighted by companies and organizations.
    The project presents innovations to provide qualified personnel and enhance employability in the photovoltaic industry.
  • Proyecto:

    Based on the growth scenario of the photovoltaic sector and in relation to the challenge of providing the sector with qualified personnel to sustain its growth in the coming years, the proposal for an industrial research project, EMPLEA SOLAR, is presented. The project proposes the innovation and integration of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as Virtual Simulation, Hardware in the Loop, and Virtual Reality, to create new, more effective, accessible, sustainable, and economical solutions. All these solutions will be encompassed in a Collaborative Platform among companies, certifying bodies, and future photovoltaic installers, with two main lines of action: the improvement and virtualization of certifying training processes and the promotion of job placement and employability in the Photovoltaic Sector.

    The main objectives are:
    1. Improve training quality and competitiveness in the PV sector through virtualization techniques and Industry 4.0 innovation.
    2. Promote quality employment and enhance the availability of qualified personnel in the PV sector.
    3. Drive the digital transformation of the PV sector, contributing to achieving energy transition, sustainable growth, and climate neutrality goals.
    4. Foster economic, social, and territorial cohesion through the innovative collaboration and training platform.
    5. Demonstrate and evaluate the benefits of the Collaborative Platform (employment and training) in the sector. Assess the economic viability of the platform.
  • Solución:
    During the project, following the analyses of the proposed training content for digitalization, three Learning Units focusing on the following training modules were worked on:
    1. Installation of photovoltaic solar panels with structure on flat roofs.
    2. Electrical connection of photovoltaic solar panels.
    These modules were digitized using 3D modeling tools, employing the following Industry 4.0 technological tools:
    • Digital/virtual simulators on desktop and web environments.
    • Simulation through hardware interaction (Hardware in the Loop).
    • Virtual Reality.
    The training modules are integrated into the collaborative platform with basic functionalities to connect Training Centers, Companies, Students, and Potential Job Candidates in the sector, as well as hosting these digitized training modules for execution in a web environment.
    In summary, the results obtained from the project include:
    • Integration of virtualization and I4.0 innovation technologies.
    • Circular economy involving key players in the photovoltaic sector (companies, training centers, workers) through the collaborative platform.
    • Technical-economic analysis of the Collaborative Platform and paradigm shift in sector training and job searching.
    • Dissemination of technological advancements.
  • Beneficios:
    This technology is superior to traditional methodology, enhancing content assimilation and reducing learning time. Course instructors generally value the use of this technology as a complement to traditional teaching, highlighting the safety in content delivery compared to traditional methods. In terms of accessibility and autonomy, both in web-based training, despite the required learning curve, demonstrative sessions have shown that it's easy to use and doesn't pose an initial barrier to technology adoption. The ability to take the test at one's own pace, repeating as necessary, is a significant advantage over traditional teaching methods and serves as a motivating factor for knowledge acquisition.
    Regarding sustainability and environmental impact, two of the proposed technologies allow remote training, avoiding travel and saving materials compared to traditional methods, resulting in a reduced carbon footprint.
  • Por qué Skylife:

    Skylife Engineering, through its digitalization approach, has contributed to the Emplea Solar project by merging various systems and technologies (Virtual Simulation, Computer Based Training, Hardware in the Loop, Virtual Reality, Cloud Computing, and Artificial Intelligence) into an integrated solution that centralizes all information in a single point. This has been possible due to the existence of a multidisciplinary digitalization team capable of addressing projects with multiple technologies in an integrated manner.

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  • Intro servicio:

    Employability and training platform for the photovoltaic sector.

casos - infinity trainer

Indaga Solar

  • Subtítulo Caso de Éxito: Digital INnovation for the Advanced Management of large SOLAR Photovoltaic plants
  • Estado: Finished
  • Convocatoria: Aid to support Innovative Business Groups 2022 (Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan)
  • Financiación: Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of Spain
  • Consorcio: Solartys, Smartech, SFOC, Skylife Engineering, Infaimon y Logikers
  • Sector: Renewable energy
  • Reto y Antecedentes:

    The photovoltaic industry has been experiencing great sustained growth in recent years, making the sector a protagonist when it comes to achieving the objectives defined at an economic, social and territorial level established both at a national and European level. For all these reasons, the need arises to address new research and innovations that allow continuing to increase the competitiveness of the sector and, therefore, the economic, social and territorial benefits that this sector has shown to contribute to our society.

    To do this, based on the needs and challenges established at the national and European level, as well as compliance with the transition objectives set by the European Union in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and at the national level, it seeks to optimize through the use of technology disruptive that seek to optimize electricity production in large electricity generation plants, based on photovoltaic technology.

  • Proyecto:

    Indaga Solar proposes an industrial research project to digitize and transform the operating processes currently carried out in the photovoltaic industry. For this, the investigation and analysis of various emerging technologies of Industry 4.0 (Digital Twin, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, distributed IoT sensors, artificial vision, energy prediction algorithms, etc.) applicable and integrable in the operation are proposed. of the sector. In this way, new procedures based on these emerging technologies will be obtained, carrying out a technological validation and evaluating in a pilot demonstrator the benefits obtained from the integration of those technologies for which a greater potential for improvement has been identified.

    The objective of the project, therefore, is to benefit the Spanish photovoltaic sector by sharing the progress and results obtained by aligning the operations currently carried out with the Industry 4.0 strategy, laying the foundations to obtain higher quality processes, performance and safety than those existing on the market.

    The project does not seek a simple digitization of the operation, but pursues through research, the study of technologies, the evaluation of the improvements and the proposed developments, to transform said processes and demonstrate the benefits of using these innovations and technologies. applied to the sector in various dimensions: improving their quality, performance and safety, as well as the environmental footprint derived from the sector's operations.

    The main objectives are:

    • Improve performance, quality and safety in O&M procedures. Increased competitiveness of the PV sector.
    • Promote the digital transformation of the PV sector, contributing to achieving the objectives of energy transition, sustainable development and climate neutrality.
    • Intelligent management for decision making applied to O&M FV.
    • Prediction of the solar resource in the short and long term to improve the operation in PV plants.
    • Technological validation, obtaining results and evaluation of the improvements obtained in a real Industry 4.0 production environment.
  • Solución:

    Development of a modular and interoperable platform, based on cloud computing, which allows optimizing electricity production by improving the Operation and Maintenance of a photovoltaic solar plant. Within the framework of the project, the platform has been designed with the IIoT concept, that is, Industrial Internet of Things, to allow standardization in the data processing modules of the plant and the environment, in order to be able to plan the preventive and corrective maintenance interventions, according to the recommendations that would facilitate a decision support module.

    This module makes it possible to exploit the results obtained from the solar resource prediction modules, the intrinsic parameters of the plant (cleanliness sensors, weather station, voltage parameters, voltage, etc.), as well as early detection of panel failures, with in order to recommend to the user the management of incidents, with respect to a criterion of economic performance, linked mainly to the optimization of production, according to the estimate and the market price of the MWh.

    From the point of view of the "sensors" such as IoT Agents, this architecture directly affects a strategy based on edge-computing at the low level, that is, providing the most complex sensors with functional intelligence when it comes to interpretation of the data obtained, requiring decision-making at a high level, within the specific module for support, based on actions related to optimization of production (Operation) or Maintenance, in its two main aspects, preventive or corrective .

    Comprehensive monitoring of the photovoltaic plant: The design and deployment of a network of IIoT sensors capable of collecting data on both production and operation of photovoltaic systems has been carried out. These sensors have been integrated with data from other additional devices such as weather stations or cleaning sensors. In addition, access to all data from the SCADA system has been achieved. The information collected is reported to the centralized system for treatment.

    Detection and classification of failures through artificial vision: Thanks to a thermographic camera and a camera in the visible spectrum (whose images are processed through vision techniques, artificial intelligence and Deep Learning) it is sought to detect various problems even before they occur. These have a direct effect on photovoltaic production: hot spots, dirt accumulation, cell breakage, among others.

    Short and long-term solar resource prediction: Through a sky camera located at the ISFOC facilities that allows the analysis of cloud progression, information from the IIoT sensor network and the integration of OpenData portals, the system allows the estimation of meteorological information, key to optimizing the use of solar resources, as well as the management of maintenance operations on the plant itself.

    Decision Support System: Centralized software platform that enables data orchestration, interpretation, and visualization along with decision support (DDS) modules based on cloud computing and artificial intelligence. This system seeks to optimize and automate the interventions to be carried out in the plant, as well as the ideal moment of the maintenance processes.

  • Beneficios:
    • Real-time monitoring of the information coming from the different elements of a photovoltaic plant thanks to the implementation of IoT
    • Successful application of artificial vision methods for the detection of problems on the surface of photovoltaic panels
    • Information based on Artificial Intelligence to predict the best date to carry out maintenance tasks
    • Dashboard with all the information and possible actions on a web-based platform, accessible from anywhere at any time
  • Por qué Skylife:

    Skylife Engineering, through its digitization line, has contributed to the Indaga Solar project its ability to integrate different systems and technologies (IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Vision) in an integrating solution that allows all the information to be unified in a single place. This has been possible thanks to the existence of a multidisciplinary digitization team that can address projects with multiple technologies in an integrated manner.

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  • Intro servicio:

    Digital transformation of the operation and maintenance processes of the photovoltaic sector.


  • Intro servicio:

    Extended reality and digital twin in electrical product management

Skylife Engineering's activity in the MIRFLEX Project is focused on the study of the applicability of advanced vision, virtual reality and augmented reality technologies for the manufacturing of the electrical product. This work includes the use of electrical wiring diagnostic tools through simulation, taking advantage of the use of corporate databases.

Through the establishment of a demonstrator, the aim is to verify the feasibility of using virtual reality and augmented reality devices as a system for the exploitation of electrical data of the so-called digital twin (work order, information related to tests, standards and other information that may be relevant for the operator), as well as the use of simulation and obtaining reflectometry patterns that allow identifying connection problems in the aircraft wiring.

The MIRFLEX Project, or "New support systems for workshop operators, support for manufacturing engineering and training in industrial processes with real-time exploitation of PLM system information", is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with funds from Spain's Pluri-regional Operational Program (POPE), through the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI).


  • Intro servicio:

    AEROEMA is an industrial research project in the field of aeronautical electromechanical actuation for flight controls.

AEROEMA is an industrial research project in the field of aeronautical electromechanical actuation for flight controls.

The ultimate goal of the AEROEMA project is to take a decisive step forward in the development of proprietary technologies for obtaining electromechanical actuators for applications in critical aeronautical systems oriented to the aircraft of the future, focusing on the concept of more electric aircraft (MEA). This project contributes to provide greater safety, efficiency, noise reduction, mitigation of greenhouse gasses and reduction of the volume and weight of on-board systems in the aircraft and, consequently, provide greater competitiveness and sustainability to the aeronautical industry.

The AEROEMA project contributes to current research in favor of a cleaner aircraft. This concept replaces the aircraft's secondary power systems (electric, hydraulic and pneumatic) with an optimized electric-only system. The move to a more electric aircraft involves replacing hydraulic actuators with electromechanical actuators with the same level of safety and reliability, reducing weight, fuel usage and maintenance and production costs.


Improvements incorporated in the design and development of the AEROEMA electromechanical actuator:

  • Low power actuation system: a dual motor design with active redundancy has been included.
  • Medium power actuation system: the ECU (electronic control unit) is highly reliable, manufactured with simple hardware to ensure high repeatability. Capable of controlling linear and rotary actuators.


  • Intro servicio:

    Electromechanical micro-actuator that is part of the landing gear locking system of a civil aircraft, replacing conventional hydraulic systems

The ACE project involves designing, developing and validating an electromechanical micro-actuator that is part of the landing gear locking system of a civil aircraft, replacing conventional hydraulic systems.

ACE is an R&D&I project, which is carried out together with companies from the Aeronautical and Aerospace sector, such as Aerotecnic, Catec (Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies) and the coordination of CESA, through the co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, within the framework of the State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to Social Challenges.

In Skylife Engineering we offer the best solutions adapting our products to the needs of each company or entity.

ACE belongs to the Embedded Systems business line and is one of the parts that we have in production upon request.


logo MICIUFondos FEDER


  • Intro servicio:

    Optimized and reliable electromechanical actuators and their Electronic Control Units (ECUs) for the actuation of flap surfaces

EMA4FLIGHT and VALEMA are two linked projects that pursue the development of Electronic Control Units and Electromechanical Actuators for flight control systems.

The objective of EMA4FLIGHT is to design and develop optimized and reliable electromechanical actuators and their Electronic Control Units (ECUs) for the actuation of flap surfaces. The EMA4FLIGHT project contributes to current research in favor of a more electric aircraft (MEA).

In the case of actuators used on flight surfaces, such as flaps, the main advantages are: reduced weight and maintenance, elimination of tube vibration problems, increased system reliability and performance, and reduced pressure losses due to the absence of valves. In the development of the ECUs, EMA4FLIGHT has made an additional effort to use only simple components according to DO-254 standards, which simplifies the qualification procedure of the units.

Closely linked to EMA4FLIGHT is the VALEMA project, whose objective is the manufacture and validation of the EMA + ECU subsystem, in order to be included in the FTB2 demonstrator for in-flight validation.

VALEMA (Validation tests of electromechanical actuators and their dedicated control units at TRL 6 level) has two defined purposes:

  • The manufacturing of EMA (Electro-Mechanical Actuators) and ECU units, designed and developed according to the call JTI-CS2-2016-CFP03-SYS-02-14.
  • performing HW and SW quality tests of the Control Units (ECU), in order to obtain permission to fly on the FTB2 demonstrator of The Regional Aircraft.

One of the main objectives of the project is to achieve a TRL 6, and to meet the safety requirements following RTCA/DO-254 hardware regulations, and RTCA DO-160 environmental regulations.


These projects have been financed with funds from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

In accordance with the dissemination policy to promote accessible and open scientific research, complete information about this project is available at the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS).

In Skylife Engineering we offer the best solutions adapting our products to the needs of each company or entity.

Ema4flight and Valema belong to the Embedded Systems business line and are among the parts we have in production on demand.


This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 755615.



  • Intro servicio:

    Power management unit with intelligent control capabilities aimed at the controlled deformation of a functional prototype of a wing with a morphing leading edge

The objective of AMULET (Advanced control unit for leading edge morphing management) is the development of a power management unit with intelligent control capabilities aimed at the controlled deformation of a functional prototype of a wing with a morphing leading edge. This concept is very novel and aims to replace the current rigid deployable surfaces (flaps, slats, etc.) for wing shape optimization, by wings that adapt their morphology to different flight conditions.

The AMULET system is composed of a control board capable of handling up to 4 power plates, each one in charge of an actuator.

AMULET contributes to strengthening Europe's leadership in its fight against climate change, fully in line with the objectives of CLEAN-SKY 2. New morphing technologies can open the door to high-performance, environmentally sustainable and more economical aerospace operation by taking advantage of the weight reduction that new design philosophies bring without compromising stringent aerospace safety requirements. These technologies are also making it possible to contribute to or even enhance safe aerospace operation through more efficiently integrated and affordable sensing/actuation technologies.

In accordance with the dissemination policy to encourage accessible and open scientific research, full information on this project is available from the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS).



In Skylife Engineering we offer the best solutions adapting our products to the needs of each company or entity.

Amulet belongs to the Embedded Systems business line and is part of the parts we have in production on demand.

This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 785332.



  • Financiación: The emblem of the European UnionThis project has received funding from Horizon 2020 under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101006771.
  • Intro servicio:

    Comprehensive toolkit paving the way to a much more electric aviation

Skylife Engineering continues to contribute its know-how to the development of more electric and, therefore, more environmentally friendly aircraft. In this sense, it is participating in the ORCHESTRA project, financed by the European Union and coordinated by the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom.

Within the framework of its mission on the development of high technology with positive impact from Andalusia to the world, Skylife Engineering participates in a consortium to achieve an integral toolkit that paves the way towards a much more electric aviation. The electrification that characterizes the new generation aircraft includes among its main advantages


  • A reduction in aircraft weight.
  • A lowering of the total lifetime cost.
  • Reduced fuel-related expenses.
  • Increased reliability.
  • Easier maintenance.

ORCHESTRA aims to develop and deliver a holistic framework of modular, scalable "building blocks" that incorporate emerging technologies and innovative design ideas. It does this by investigating all technical aspects deemed significant, including electrical architectures, machines, power management and control, harness solutions, thermal management, electrical energy storage, experimental and virtual testing, as well as system integration.

All Consortium members, including Skylife Engineering, have been selected for their world-leading expertise in technology areas relevant to the target objective. The ORCHESTRA project, which has a budget of more than 4.8 million euros, involves, with the coordination of the University of Nottingham:

  • Leonardo – Societa per Azioni (Italia).
  • Safran Electrical and power (Francia).
  • Safran SA (Francia).
  • C.I.R.A. Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali SCPA (Italia).
  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (Alemania).
  • Aeromechs SRL (Italia).
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GMBH (Austria).
  • BSIM SRL (Italia).
  • Skylife Engineering SL (España).
  • VR Aviation Safety Partnership LTD (Reino Unido).


  • Intro servicio:

    Aeronautics: high-performance AC/DC power converter under Clean Sky 2 program

HEPODIS is an aeronautical power converter that Skylife Engineering is currently developing under the Clean Sky 2 (CS2) program.

The HVTRU integrates a 270 V DC system into an electrical system based on a 115 V AC input, compatible with the three-phase AC power supply, rated at 15kW, and greater than 90% efficiency at steady state.

The HVTRU includes short circuit, overheating, overvoltage, undervoltage, over wave and open phase protections. It also includes a soft-start function and guarantees an input current THD of less than 5% under typical operating conditions, as well as a power factor of more than 95%.

This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 714373.


  • Intro servicio:

    Hybrid on-board power management system; DC/DC converter with modular architecture

The HYPNOTIC project will develop innovative on-board equipment aimed at achieving "zero-emission" aircraft.

HYPNOTIC, which consists of the design and development of a modular architecture of 6 parallel DC/DC converters to interface with a 540HVDC battery, allows the integration of a battery into the aircraft electrical system, adapting its charge level to the flight stage.

HYPNOTIC is a hybrid energy management system focused on more electric and environmentally friendly aircraft that Skylife Engineering is currently developing under the Clean Sky 2 (CS2) program.

In Skylife Engineering we offer the best solutions adapting our products to the needs of each company or entity.

HYPNOTIC belongs to the Embedded Systems business line and is part of the research line we are developing.

This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 714373.

*You can find the information related to the European project in the following public link of the Cordis website.


ZEUS Project

  • Intro servicio:

    Design and development of an ultra-fast charging station for electronic vehicles.

Skylife Engineering is participating in the design and development of a new ultra-fast charging system for electric vehicles, which will have modular stations based on sustainability criteria to reduce the impact on the environment.

The ZEUS project, subsidized by the CDTI and financed by the European Union through NextGenerationEU funds of 3 million euros, is being carried out through a consortium led by WallBox Chargers S.L., together with Skylife Engineering S.L., Bold Valuable Technology Spain S.L. and Tekniatest Solutions S.A.

The new modular and ultra-fast electric recharging system that ZEUS is working on reaches charging powers of up to 350 kW, also seeking to be more sustainable. In this sense, it will have an integrated battery system that will be powered by renewable energy sources. With these charging stations (EV) it will be possible to soften a power peak in the electricity demand, a differentiating advantage, taking into account the expected expansion of the electric vehicle fleet in the short term and the limited structure of the state electricity grid.

The activity of Skylife Engineering, based in the Cartuja Science and Technology Park in Seville, is based on innovation for the implementation of high technology with a positive impact. The company specializes in aerospace engineering, where it has an outstanding track record of more than 10 years. It also develops technological innovation with solutions applied to other sectors, such as energy, health and education.

The Andalusian company, born with a clear connection to the University of Seville, has among its clients large multinationals around the world, for which it develops both software and hardware. Its team, formed mostly by engineering professionals with various specialties, maintains a strong commitment to values such as sustainability.

For more information about the ZEUS Project, please contact us here.

Skylife Engineering S. L. is an Andalusian company that develops technological innovation with a high specialization in aerospace engineering applied to the aviation industry and other sectors, with the aim of offering solutions with a positive impact on society.

Calle Américo Vespucio, 5 Bloque 1 Local A 8-12
41092 Sevilla (España)

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